Marjorie Taylor Greene to force vote on ousting Mike Johnson as speaker

Marjorie Taylor Greene to force vote on ousting Mike Johnson as speaker

The radical’s attempt to unseat House Speaker looks destined to fail, as Democratic leaders said they would either table or reject the proposal.
Despite the likelihood of the proposal failing, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene declared on Wednesday that she would demand a vote on the removal of her fellow Republican, Mike Johnson, as House speaker the following week.

During a news conference, Greene declared, “I think the American people need to see a recorded vote.” “I will therefore be calling this motion to vacate next week—I promise.” I can’t wait for Democrats to back a Republican speaker and then have to return home to face off in their respective races for Congress.
The announcement was made the day after House Democratic leaders declared in a statement that, should the move to vacate by Greene come up for a vote, they would vote to postpone, or kill, it. Democratic leaders used Johnson’s effective leadership in guiding a foreign aid bill through the House last month as justification for opposing Greene’s move in their statement.

Marjorie Taylor Greene to force vote on ousting Mike Johnson as speaker


“Now that we have finished our work on national security, it is time to close this chapter of Republican obstructionism supporting Putin,” the leaders said. The proposal to remove Marjorie Taylor Greene from the chair will be tabled by a vote. She cannot make the motion successful if she does.
Greene lacks the necessary votes to proceed with her motion since Democrats are against the endeavor. Greene is hundreds of votes shy of a majority in the House of Representatives since just two other Republicans, Thomas Massie of Kentucky and Paul Gosar of Arizona, have stated they will support the resolution.

As he has done previously, Johnson, who took over as speaker just six months ago, dismissed Greene’s warning.

In a statement, he declared, “This motion is wrong for the Republican conference, wrong for the institution, and wrong for the nation.”


Johnson emphasized that House Republicans should not let their personal rivalries distract them from their legislative goal during a press conference on Tuesday.

Johnson emphasized that House Republicans should not let their personal rivalries

“I have work to do. We have to act in accordance with our moral convictions.
stated Johnson. “Those who take this work seriously must stick with it and see it through to completion. I must thus always act morally and let the cards fall where they may.

After a government budget bill that Johnson and the majority of Democrats backed passed, Greene initially submitted her move to vacate in late March. Greene continued to criticize Johnson of collaborating with Democrats at the expense of Republican interests after the foreign aid bill was passed. A package that would transfer almost $61 billion to Ukraine was part of that idea, even though many Republicans are becoming less and less in favor of giving Kyiv more money.

In an interview with reporters on Wednesday, Greene criticized Johnson for changing his mind on several important policy matters, like as assistance for Ukraine, after he was elected speaker. She once wore a hat with the words “Muga,” which stands for “Make Ukraine Great Again,” and positioned it over a picture of Johnson.
What are we giving Republican voters to vote for?” Greene asked. “Once [Johnson] became speaker, he has become a man that none of us recognize.”

In an interview with reporters on Wednesday, Greene criticized Johnson for changing his mind on several important policy matters

Although Greene’s campaign has no chance of success, her move to force a vote on a motion to vacate will mark the second time in less than a year that the House has considered removing its speaker. In October, Republican Kevin McCarthy was ousted as speaker, becoming the first leader to ever be formally removed from the role, and his departure set off chaos in the House. With House Republicans unable to choose a new leader, the chamber came to a standstill for three weeks until Johnson’s election.
The majority of House Republicans don’t seem keen to replicate that show, which drew jeers and scorn from around the country.

Johnson stated on Tuesday, “We saw what happened with the motion to vacate the last time.” “The Congress was adjourned for a fortnight. Nobody can afford for it to take place.
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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene says she will force a vote to oust Speaker Mike Johnson next week
WASHINGTON Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., declared on Wednesday that she will demand a vote to remove Speaker Mike Johnson the next week, defying the speaker’s GOP supporters and Democrats to intervene and keep the speaker in office.

Wearing a red “MAGA” hat, Greene charged Johnson of, among other things, reauthorizing the FISA monitoring program without updated warrant standards, pushing government spending bills against conservative preferences, and abandoning the GOP.

“I will thus be calling this move to vacate next week. “It’s definitely calling it,” Greene declared at a press conference held outside the Capitol. “I am eager to witness Democrats endorse a Republican speaker and then have to return home to face off in their respective primaries for Congress.”

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Her latest attack on Johnson comes just one day after Democratic leadership led by Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries made an unusual announcement that Democrats would unite to defend Johnson by voting to “table” or defeat a motion by Greene to remove the speaker in an effort to foster bipartisan cooperation and restore order.
Democrats in the House have resisted MAGA fanaticism with great force. We’ll keep doing just that. The time has come to close this chapter of Republican obstruction supporting Putin at this point, once we have finished our job on national security, the Democratic leaders stated in a statement on Tuesday.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s motion to resign as chair will be put on hold by a vote. It will fail if she calls for the motion to be made,” they said.

Greene’s attempt to remove Johnson from office is being opposed by some of Johnson’s other conservative opponents, who believe it will fail. Her resolution only has two cosponsors.

Johnson issued a brief statement shortly after Greene’s press conference, saying, “This motion is wrong for the Republican Conference, wrong for the institution, and wrong for the country.”

For months, Greene has threatened to take action against the speaker, cautioning him against approving urgent foreign funding for Ukraine when thousands of migrants are streaming across the southern border. However, last month, Johnson forced through a $95 billion national security package that includes assistance for Taiwan, Israel, and Ukraine as well as a possible ban on the social media app TikTok, following negotiations with the White House.

“Hakeem Jeffries and the Democrats have just emerged, giving Mike Johnson a hearty hug and a long, sloppy kiss. Additionally, they have given him their support and are prepared to help him in his role as speaker, according to Greene. “They want to continue it and maintain the band as a unit. Why? since Mike Johnson is satisfying all of their desires.

Johnson was referred to by cft Greene as a member of the “uniparty,” a phrase used cft by hard-right Republicans to denigrate when Republicans who collaborate with Democrats to enact bipartisan legislation. A sizable picture of Johnson and Jeffries, showing the Democrat handing the Republican the speaker’s gavel, was displayed behind Greene. A hat, which Greene explained stood for “MUGA,” was perched on the billboard.
With Kevin McCarthy, Johnson’s predecessor, the chemistry was very different. In the fall of last year, Democrats banded together with a mere eight House conservatives to depose Speaker McCarthy, becoming the first speaker in history to be ousted by a vote during a legislative session.

Speaker McCarthy, becoming the first speaker in history to be ousted by a vote during a legislative session.

With the GOP’s razor-thin two-seat edge, Greene would have had enough GOP backing to unseat Johnson if Democrats had chosen to do the same thing this time. Greene’s efforts are undermined by Democrats’ support for Johnson, which also provides her with more political leverage against the speaker and his supporters.
Reps. Paul Gosar of Arizona and Thomas Massie of Kentucky have also endorsed Greene’s proposal. Standing by Greene on Wednesday, Massie defended the congresswoman against accusations that she wasn’t acting like a serious legislator.

When Massie stated, “She’s the most serious representative up here,”

When NBC News asked Greene who she thought would be a good choice to succeed Johnson as speaker, she said, “I’m not naming names but I think we have people that are capable.”

“Everyone who is prepared to battle for our goals. Anyone who opposes Hakeem Jeffries’ right to share the authority, she stated

Marjorie Taylor Greene promises Mike Johnson ouster attempt next week

Next week, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) wants to proceed with her motion to vacate against Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La. ), stating that she finds it “very satisfying” knowing Democrats will keep Speaker Johnson’s gavel on the floor.

Marjorie Taylor Greene promises Mike Johnson ouster attempt next week

Why this matters Although reporters were told by her colleagues to “just wait and get through the election,” Greene noted that she has encountered resistance from party members and expressed her opinion that they “aren’t facing the issues.”

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), a coauthor of the bill with Greene, contended that Democrats’ backing for Johnson will “create a uniparty,” brushing off worries that a move to vacate would jeopardize their chances of maintaining the majority.
The extra financing package, according to Greene and Massie, was the last straw.
Rep. from Georgia, who is Trump’s “biggest supporter,” rejected the idea that she is going against his intentions, saying, “That’s why I’m fighting here against my own Republican conference to fight harder against the Democrat.”

The twist: Massie and Greene agreed that the vote would be difficult since Democrats had promised to back Johnson, but they are holding off until next week to get more support from their colleagues and give Johnson more time “to resign.”

“Let me tell you something that is not a failure: if this vote fails and the entire Congress conference supports the unit party, then it is not a failure. That’s a list of names, therefore it’s a victory for the people of America, Greene declared.

In summary, Johnson is anticipated to weather the attempted removal.

Johnson released a statement saying, “This motion is wrong for the Republican Conference, wrong for the institution, and wrong for the country.”

Mike Johnson will be saved from MTG’s move to vacate, according to Hakeem Jeffries.

Next week, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) wants to proceed with her motion to vacate against Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La. ), stating that she finds it “very satisfying” knowing Democrats will keep Speaker Johnson’s gavel on the floor.

Why this matters Although reporters were told by her colleagues to “just wait and get through the election,” Greene noted that she has encountered resistance from party members and expressed her opinion that they “aren’t facing the issues.”

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), a coauthor of the bill with Greene, contended that Democrats’ backing for Johnson will “create a uniparty,” brushing off worries that a move to vacate would jeopardize their chances of maintaining the majority.
The extra financing package, according to Greene and Massie, was the last straw.
Rep. from Georgia, who is Trump’s “biggest supporter,” rejected the idea that she is going against his intentions, saying, “That’s why I’m fighting here against my own Republican conference to fight harder against the Democrat.”

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) wants to proceed with her motion to vacate against Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La. ), stating that she finds it “very satisfying”

The twist: Massie and Greene agreed that the vote would be difficult since Democrats had promised to back Johnson, but they are holding off until next week to get more support from their colleagues and give Johnson more time “to resign.”

“Let me tell you something that is not a failure: if this vote fails and the entire Congress conference supports the unit party, then it is not a failure. That’s a list of names, therefore it’s a victory for the people of America, Greene declared.

In summary, Johnson is anticipated to weather the attempted removal.

Johnson released a statement saying, “This motion is wrong for the Republican Conference, wrong for the institution, and wrong for the country.”

Johnson released a statement saying, “This motion is wrong for the Republican Conference, wrong for the institution, and wrong for the country

Mike Johnson will be saved from MTG’s move to vacate, according to Hakeem Jeffries.
On Tuesday, the Democratic leadership in the House verified a long-standing rumor: they would support the filibuster of any resolution introduced by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) to remove Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.).

Why this matters It may be the final straw for Greene’s move to resign, which has already encountered difficulties because of a lack of Republican backing.











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